Finding effective neck pain treatment depends on your personal situation and the cause of your pain. Not all neck pain can be treated by medications and physical therapy. Some patients, however, might not react to these conventional neck pain remedies. They might have a deeper, more serious condition like a pinched nerve or a bone spur causing spinal or nerve compression in the neck region.
In this case, the best neck pain treatment is to see a doctor who can properly diagnose the problem. One of the most common causes of temporary neck pain is a herniated spinal disc, or a bulging or herniating disc. Doctors often use MRI scans and x-rays to determine which type of neck injury is occurring. Sometimes the location of the spinal disc puts strain on nerves, causing tingling or numbness in certain parts of the neck or arms. This can make it difficult to distinguish between actual spinal damage and a pinched nerve, so physical examination is essential for diagnosis.
A bulging disc occurs in discs that are slightly larger than the surrounding muscles and can put pressure on nerves. The nucleus pulposus, a hard disk of fluid that is usually found inside the spine, can sometimes slip out of its proper place and cause irritation or inflammation in the neck area. Sometimes, pressure from the bulging disc itself can compress the spinal nerves, causing severe pain. This can also be caused by a bulging disc that is pressing against the nerves when it is squeezed by the spine.
When a herniated or compressed spinal disc does not respond to medical treatment, the first step in diagnosis is a full physical examination. This will include a thorough look at the neck area, including the neck itself, the upper shoulders, arms, and shoulders, and the neck itself. Special x-rays called MRIs may also be ordered to get a deeper look into the spine. Often, an MRI alone will not sufficiently show herniated discs and other spine problems, so an osteoporosis doctor will likely be asked to do the exam as well. An osteoporosis doctor has much more experience in diagnosing and treating neck and back pain, so this should be his first recommendation. Make sure you see here for more details regarding this subject matter.
Once an appropriate diagnosis is made, the patient can start looking for the best back pain treatment to relieve the pain. Often this involves looking at possible causes of the problem, such as posture, and then trying to improve their posture. Physical therapy or special exercise classes may help, as well. Other alternative treatments, including acupuncture, meditation, hypnosis, massage therapy, and spinal adjustments, are also sometimes considered.
There are many different types of neck pain treatment available from the arizona neck pain doctor, depending on what kind of pain is experienced and how serious it is. Some people decide to try a non-surgical treatment first, to see if they can avoid surgery. In the event that surgery is recommended, most patients will need to have several medical tests to be sure that they can safely handle the potential complications. Even after surgery, there are a number of precautions that a patient needs to follow, such as taking pain medication or drinking plenty of water. Also, it's important to report any new symptoms to the physician as soon as they occur.
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